15 Jul Meet A Tenant: LD Aesthetic Clinic Reveal Their Journey
When The Brentano Suite resident Edina launched her brand-new business, LD Aesthetic Clinic, she didn’t know the pandemic was just months away. So, when lockdown one meant she had to shut her doors, she didn’t yet have a solid client base to fall back on.
Today, she’s transformed the business into a thriving hub of beauty and science. We caught up with Edina to find out her story and see how she’s getting on at The Brentano Suite.
How Did LD Aesthetic Clinic Begin?
Before launching, I spent about 25 years working in training and development. I helped global giants from the oil and gas industry build strategies and achieve their business goals. This experience has helped me a great deal in realising and managing LD Aesthetic Clinic, especially during one of the most challenging periods in our lifetimes.
Then, about five years ago, I had a personal health challenge. I managed to overcome it, but I decided to swap the big corporate boardroom for my clinic offering non-surgical, non-invasive beauty procedures and weight loss treatments.
That colossal change in direction was the obvious way forward for me. My great passion has always been microbiology and the science of body cells.
Can You Tell Us About How You Launched?
At this stage of my life, I did not feel I could devote a decade to medical studies. Instead, I turned to advanced training to gain knowledge and expertise in the field of aesthetics.
Despite many people around me saying I was foolish to leave stability and security, I launched LD Aesthetic Clinic in November 2019. I opened the doors of my dream business in January 2020…but then lockdown happened and we had to shut three months later.
Like for many other small businesses, this was devastating. Having made a huge investment in training and equipment, lockdown felt like a breath-taking blow.
That Must Have Been Especially Hard As A New Business.
Yes, the first lockdown was initially quite detrimental because LDA was a brand-new business and had no established client base.
Like everyone else, we closed our doors and locked up without even a faint light at the end of the tunnel. However, I didn’t give up. I started communicating regularly with a few existing clients and lots of potential clients via marketing and social media campaigns.
One of the promotions was “don’t worry about lockdown, eat what you like, do what you need to, and we’ll take care of your fat when restrictions are lifted”. It was a hit! Our treatments are all about destroying unwanted fat and contouring the body.
Future bookings starting to trickle in and slowly it became a healthy flow.
What Is Business Like At The Moment?
It’s incredibly busy now! When I look in my diary, I haven’t got a single space available for weeks to come.
Wow! Any Secret Tips You Can Share?
Well, marketing and promotions are not simply an expense, they’re an investment when done properly. We use different market-leading platforms to advertise the business, such as Wowcher and Treawell. They provide a huge platform for a very, very wide marketplace.
I’d be more than happy to help other businesses utilise those in a way that works for them, if anybody wants to have a chat, feel free to call.
What Is It That Makes Your Business Special?
Understanding the uniqueness of our treatments and explaining that to the client. For any business, especially in the service industry, it’s all about customer service. It’s the time and attention you devote to clients in a transparent environment that makes the difference between a good business and an exceptional business.
So, when our clients come in for an aesthetic treatment, we make sure that education is part of it. We talk to them about how to get better results in the long run.
What Are Your Plans For This Year?
It’s more machines, more treatments, more people, and more treatment rooms. That’s the plan that I’m working towards and the vast majority of it should be realised by the end of the year. After that, it’s about growing the business in the same way.
I’m training a number of people, so the prospects for the business are growing. This year will be all about training and preparing others to join the business.
While prospective therapists need to perform the best treatments, it’s the additional side that makes the difference. It’s laying the values that I want LD Aesthetic Clinic to have, being all about clients. We have to provide the same level of service, no matter who performs it.
Then, there’s a whole array of technologies and equipment in this field. It will be good to work with a wider range of treatments that have instant results.
Where Does The Brentano Suite Fit Into LD Aesthetic Clinic?
Since I first started the business, it’s been a relationship made of magic. The Brentano Suite has been the difference between closing the business at the very beginning of the first lockdown and having a successful business today.
They were very flexible and understanding, and we came to an agreement so everybody could see the light at the end of the tunnel. They were willing to say, “don’t worry, we will support you and help you” and that made such a huge difference for me to carry on.
The other part is the customer service. As I said, it’s a key value of my business. Being on my own most of the time, it would be impossible for me to achieve the highest levels of customer service without additional support from The Brentano Suite. Also, the look and feel of the office environment is so luxurious and it’s incredibly well looked after.
It’s all part of the experience for my clients and it works like magic.
So, What’s Next For LD Aesthetic Clinic?
The idea is to stay with Brentano for as long as I possibly can. No matter what happens with the business, where I eventually expand into, I would like to keep my base here. Brentano is like a token of good luck!
You can find out more about LD Aesthetic Clinic via their website.
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